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Be discovered! Be a Star!

Aspiring to be a model, singer or actor and just to flaunt your way out to this big industry?

Be discovered! Be a Star!

You now have the chance to showcase yourself in front of many people plus be interviewed by topnotch casting, modeling and talent agencies!

The "ROAD TO FAME: THE PHILIPPINE FASHION AND MODEL CONGRESS" Talent and Fashion Congress 3 will be conducted on January 15, 26, 27, Mar 6 and 12 at Festival Supermall carousel court.

Castings for aspiring isngers, actors, dancers will be slated on Jan 8, Feb 112, 19, 26 Mar 5 and 12.

REGISTER NOW! Call 850-35-14 for more info.
For more instructions visit http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=171147969594473&set=a.170694776306459.32817.170686112973992

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